A family-run company grows into an international corporation with 12,000 employees within two decades. Production is the heart of the company. In order to ensure future viability, a comprehensive change process is carried out: a new strategy, new structures, functions, processes and systems (in particular a new cross-production shop floor management system). We were able to accompany this change process for almost two years.
In accordance with the KAOS philosophy, we put people at the center of the change work.
The transformation of a family business that has grown historically and is deeply rooted in its homeland into a modern and globally oriented corporation requires courage and visionary thinking. The balancing act between tradition and innovation is a risky one. At the same time, contemporary structures, processes and attitudes are a decisive factor in securing the future viability of companies (and thus also jobs). In this project, Bavarian culture met visionary thinking. The hands-on mentality in the production area, the extraordinary commitment of our change team and the cooperative collaboration made it possible for us to continue to support a cross-departmental change process virtually from one day to the next (due to the pandemic). As a KAOS team, we were able to grow beyond ourselves together with the customer.
In the following videos, Katrin Ostermeier and those responsible at Rosenberger explain the course of the project, talk about difficulties and challenges and report how they were able to solve them together. (ONLY AVAILABLE IN GERMAN)