
To ME, Coaching is a professional mix of sensible attitudes, in-depth knowledge and functional tools to solve problems and achieve goals.

What do I mean by Coaching?

Coaching forms the basic attitude at KAOS. I don't see myself as a consultant bringing in solutions from outside. I am a sparring partner who supports people in recognizing their resources and unleashing their potential. Often (but not always) I coach alongside organisational change processes.

The original meaning of the word "coach" is "coachman" - who has the task of bringing others to their desired destination faster, more comfortably and more safely. It is important to note that the coach does not define the destination. This is the responsibility of the "passengers", i.e. the coachees and customers. The local coachwoman points out stumbling blocks in the process and, if desired, makes suggestions for sensible "detours".

Coaching with KAOS

systemic and solution-focused
SYSTEMIC means that I take into account the context in which my coachees move: (corporate) culture, team structure, relationships and, if necessary, personal environment. What can I influence and what factors are a given? What is my attitude when face these conditions?

SOLUTION-FOCUSED means that every coaching process has a clear goal and takes place within a firmly agreed framework. Coaching is no therapy and does not deal with depth psychological research into causes. Coaching is an accompanying process based on partnership to increase self-reflection, enable a change of perspective and thereby master concrete challenges in a safe environment.

Typical occasions for coaching are
  • (New) leadership role
  • new job / role
  • dealing with stress
  • Goal setting & Vision work
  • reflecting motivation and strengths
  • conflict competence & inner attitude
  • communication
  • tensions with team members
  • and... and.... and....