TOPIC: Agility

We see agility as a balancing act between the poles of stability and flexibility.

We support teams and companies in developing agile structures and processes. We are deeply convinced that the "ideal" organizational form is the one that suits the individual company, its culture, its goals and, in particular, its employees.

In the dynamic age of digitalisation, organisations must be flexible enough to respond quickly to change. Rigid hierarchical structures do not provide a suitable framework for dealing with today's fast-moving dynamic. "Structure follows strategy" is a basic assumption for our work as innovative organisational developers: If a company realigns itself strategically, it must also rethink its structures. A major challenge in a dynamic environment.

The modern world of work is therefore giving rise to new organisational models: flexible systems that can respond quickly to market changes; network structures that promote the spirit of innovation or even enable it in the first place. With agile structures and processes, teams and companies can meet the challenges of the digital age.

This means dismantling hierarchies and bureaucracy - and requires completely new skills from employees, especially managers. Agile structures cannot be imposed - they must be developed. And this must be done with the involvement of employees. Introducing self-organization hierarchically is not a funny oxymoron, but in our view a guarantee of plunging an organization into crisis. Structures must fit. For the company and its employees.

Together with you, we develop contemporary agile processes and structures to masterfully meet the growing dynamics and complexity of the digital age – tailored to our customers’ individual needs.

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